What is lead generation?

Lead generation is one of the most important tasks that any sales person must complete. But here is a definition, Lead generation is the process of attracting potential customers to your product or service. This can be done through various forms of advertising, public relations, social media, or direct marketing.  wiki Every company uses some…

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What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is the most common form of marketing nowadays. Its importance in a startup is essential. You need to be able to prospect and target your users very effectively. This will help you find new customers who may not be aware of your product or service yet and therefore might not be willing to…

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What is Inbound Marketing?

what is inbound marketing

What is inbound marketing and what are its benefits Inbound marketing is the art and science of creating a personalized experience for your customers – it’s about building relationships with people and creating a passionate connection with them. If you want to be one of the top companies in your field, you’ve got to know…

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